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The phenomenon of the 30th Parallel remains a mystery.

Insofar as the network of the biggest spiritual and cultural centres of humanity that stretch out along the 30th parallel cannot be explained by mere coincidence or the unity of cultures of the indigenous peoples who lived there (they belonged to different cultures), the assumption is that in the distant past there was a certain group of people or groups of people who shared an important common bond. Their position among the local peoples was that of outsiders as they came from somewhere else, yet they exerted an influence on the indigenous population.


Memories of the "semi-divine" strangers who came from overseas have survived in the epics, myths and legends of a wide variety of peoples that live along the 30th parallel, including Egypt, Sumer, India and China. In many countries, they were called The Seven Sages ("Abgallu" in Sumer and "Saptarishi" in India, among others). They taught people science and crafts, acted as advisors to the rulers, became architects, healers and astrologers, made up the elite of the priesthood and above all else valued and supported harmony. Stories abound of their talents and abilities that to ordinary people looked miraculous. According to most legendary accounts, these people were in direct contact with "big fish" - probably, whales and dolphins - whom they regarded as their teachers and saviors.

It appears that different civilizations that lived in the same latitude had the same teachers who took their original cultures and complemented them with universal knowledge. In modern terms we could say that they were confident of the existence of a global field of consciousness and the need to sustain it. Somehow they came to know things that made the subject of very recent scientific discoveries: the coherent consciousness of a sizeable number of people can not only directly interact with the physical reality, but ensure conscious choice of alternatives for the future. Which, as a matter of fact, is something they constantly took care of.

Where did these people come from, who were they? Ancient Sumerian astronomers marked a reference line on the map of the night sky. This line was called the "Way of Anu", the father of the gods. It passed along the circle 30 degrees north of the equator.

All the sacred cities of the ancient civilizations also served as astronomical observatories providing vital measurements of calendar cycles, natural phenomena, agricultural periods and religious dates, as well as navigational knowledge of crucial importance to travellers. If these cities were founded by "the outsiders" who brought along their own knowledge including astronomy, then these outsiders must have been very good observers and had a well-established tradition of observation. In other words, in their native land the sky looked exactly the same and that was where the tables of astronomical phenomena were created – to change them, i.e. to change the reference point and the angle of view would have been quite a hassle as well as very time-consuming. Hence the straightness of their circumnavigational route.

Consequently, there starting point – perhaps, one the most ancient centers of human civilization – was located on the 30th parallel North: the latitude of volcanic islands and Tibetan mountain peaks, where many romantics of science sought to find Atlantis or Shambala ... They might have been forced to depart from it as a result of catastrophic natural disasters such as The Great Flood – a view expounded by the majority of myths – or they were sent to various parts of the world as a voluntary or involuntary "nomadic embassy" bearing the unified knowledge of the nature of the world and man.

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