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Anchor 28
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Short-finned pilot whaleCalderón tropical Globicéphale tropical Короткоплавниковая гринда (Globicephala macrorhynchus) Size: 5.5 - 7.2 m / 16-20 feet Weight: 1,5 - 3 tons | Bottlenose dolphinDelfín mular Grand dauphin Афалина (Tursiops truncatus) Size: 2-3.8 m / 8-12 feet Weight: 300-450 kg | Bryde ́s whaleRorqual de Bryde Rorcual tropical Полосатик Брайда (Balaeneoptera brydei) Size: 12 -15 m / 40-50 feet Weight: 13 tons |
Atlantic spotted dolphinDelfín moteado del Atlántico Dauphin tacheté de l ́Atlantique Большелобый продельфин (Stenella frontalis) Size: 1.7-2.3 m / 7.5 feet Weight: 140 kg | Short-beaked common dolphinShort-beaked common dolphin Delfín común de hocico corto Dauphin commun à bec court Дельфин-белобочка (Delphinus delphis) Size: 2.3-2.6m / 7.5-8.5 feet Weight: 135 kg | Humpback whaleYubarta Baleine à bosse Горбатый кит (Megaptera novaeangliae) Size: 12.2-15.2 m / 40-50 feet Weight: 25-40 tons |
Killer whaleOrca Orca Косатка (Orcinus orca) Size: 7.7-9.6 m / 23-32 feet Weight: 4-9 tons | Fin whaleRorcual común Rorqual commun Финвал (Balaenoptera physalus) Size: 24-26 m / 78 -88 feet Weight: 50-70 tons | Striped dolphinDelfín listado Dauphin bleu et blanc Полосатый дель фин (Stenella coeruleoalba) Size: 2.4-2.3 m / 8-8.5 feet Weight: 160 kg |
Risso ́s dolphinCalderón gris Dauphin de Risso Серый дельфин (Grampus griseus) Size: 3-3.8 m / 10-12.5 feet Weight: 300-500 kg | Sperm whaleCachalote Cachatot macrocéphale Кашалот (Physeter macrocephalus) Size: 15-18 m / 49-59 feet Weight: 13-45 tons | Spinner dolphinDelfín de hocico largo Dauphin à long bec Длинноносый дельфин (Stenella longirostris) Size: 1,6 - 2 m / 6-7 feet Weight: 60 - 90 kg |
Blue whaleRorcual azul Baleine bleue Синий кит (Balaeneoptera musculus) Size: 23- 24 m / 90-100 feet Weight: 150 tons | Blainville ́s beaked whaleZifio de Blainville Baleine à bec de Blainville Тупорылый ремнезуб (Mesoplodon densirostris) Size: 4.4 - 4.6 m / 14.6-15 feet Weight: 800 kg | Rough-toothed dolphinDelfín de dientes rugosos Sténo rostré Крупнозубый дельфин (Steno bredanensis) Size: 2.5-2.8 m / 6,9 - 9,3 feet Weight: 155 kg |
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